land for sale in itahari nepal || bus park || हेर्नुहोस बजार र राजमार्ग नजिक चलेको रेट भन्दा सस्तोमा घडरी बिक्रीमा | sasto | Bus park | hamrobazar || bhuban thapa real estate nepal ||
Offer Price Itahari, Land, Residential, sunsariland for sale in itahari nepal || bus park || हेर्नुहोस बजार र राजमार्ग नजिक चलेको रेट भन्दा सस्तोमा घडरी बिक्रीमा | sasto | Bus park | hamrobazar || bhuban thapa real estate nepal ||
सम्पूर्ण मित्रहरुलाई यस अफिसियल Bhuban Thapa : Real Estate Nepal YouTube च्यानल हार्दिक स्वागत गर्दछ । यदि अहिलेसम्म तपाईंहरुले यस च्यानललाई subscribe गर्नुभएको छैन भने कृपया subscribe गरी नजिकै रहेको घण्टी पनि दबाउनुहोस् किनभने मैले Daily Upload गरेको नयाँ-नयाँ भिडियोहरु सबैभन्दा पहिला तपाईंले प्राप्त गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ । Click link | धन्यवाद
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about this video : in this video i have shown the complete location of property on sale ,हेर्नुहोस बजार र राजमार्ग नजिक चलेको रेट भन्दा सस्तोमा घडरी बिक्रीमा | sasto | Bus park | hamrobazar | Details ,price ,phone number ,video ma paunu hunxa ,if interested you can call Directly on the Given number ,to view property and for Deal
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some of my favourite videos are below ,please click the link
26 lakh sasto Ghar jagga | 17 Dhur jagga | 300 mtr from six lane highway | bhuban thapa
16 lakh राम्रो ठाउँमा धेरै सस्तो घर जग्गा | 9.5 Dhur| sasto | house for sale in nepal | bhuban thapa
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19 lakh | sasto | houses for sale | sambidhan chok | hamrobazar | real estate | nepal | bhuban thapa
1.8 lakh katha | 30 ft bato | sasto | jagga | Land for sale | Nahar | hamrobazar | by bhubanthapa
2.5 lakh katha| 30 feet Road| sasto | land for sale | hamrobazar | धेरै सस्तो घडेरी र जग्गा बिक्रीमा
12 lakh | sasto | land for sale | highway Najk| hamrobazar | Real Estate Nepal | by bhubanthapa
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50% सस्तो मुल्य मा जग्गा बिक्रीमा | itahari Nursing college Highway Najik 32 ft bato| by bhubanthapa
1.2 lakh | sasto | land for sale | hamrobazar | real estate | online shopping nepal | bhuban thapa
Morang ghar jagga | Biratchowk ma Ramro Ghaderi Bikrima | real estate nepal | by bhubanthapa
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land measurement | nepal | ghar jagga | original नक्सा बाट जग्गा को नाप निकाल्नुस | by bhubanthapa
Follow & LIKED my facebook page 445 sasto Ghar Ghaderi videos now | Real Estate Nepal : bhubanthapa facebook page ( Please LIKED page ) Click Link |
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